Saturday, May 3, 2008

Where is "Presidents Park?"

One of the more recent additions to the historical flavor of our area is "Presidents Park." I must admit that I have never visited this site, but have driven by it dozens of times and have admired it from a distance. Within the park are busts of all our presidents from the first to the current, Mr. Bush. They are made out of concrete and stand 25-30 feet tall. I am told the likenesses are very close and that the sulptor did a marvelous job!

The reason I mention this today is that I overheard a person trying to explain to one of our tourists how to find "Presidents Park." It was the usual turn right, go three lights, turn left, go straight for about two miles...," but then the local guide said, "Or, you could turn left, go four miles and then turn right, on and on." The guide's final comment was, "Either way you are going to end up in the same place!"

I wondered to myself how many times that is the approach to one's relationship to much more important matters in life! What if one were to say, "You date this person and then that one and a couple more...on and on! It really does not matter because you are going to end up married to someone!" Or, what if we were told, "Try out this car and then that one because they are all about the same and will not last too long anyway!" No doubt we would balk at such suggestions regarding a lifetime relationship or six years of car payments, but why are other matters of much more importance taken so casually?

What of one's relationship with God? Are we to assume that finding God is like the "hunt and peck" style of using a computer keyboard? You know, you will get the email written anyway, so what makes a difference how you type it! My good friend, seeking God is much, much more important than sending an email to a friend!

The Bible says that there is only one way to reach the Father and that is through Jesus Christ! It is said that Jesus is "the way, the truth, and the life!" There is no other way to God, except through His Son, Jesus Christ! No other way...none! Searching for God is not a matter of guesswork or unplanned is a conscious search for divine leadership!

You may be able to get to "Presidents Park" a dozen different ways, but there is only one way to God!

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