Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"Sing And Be Happy!"

As I sit here this morning and look out of the window in my study, I see gray skies, trees trembling in the wind, and drops of rain falling lazily to the ground. It is not a "stormy" day, but it certainly is not a "bright sun shiny day" either! I wonder how many people see life that way! You know, not so bad, but not that good! I have heard folk say, "I wish it would get cold and stay cold or become warm and stay warm!" They don't seem to like those mediocre days of partly cloudy skies and intermittent sunshine!

This reminds me of the devotional song that says, "If the skies above you are gray, you are feeling so blue..." The encouragement is to, "Sing and be happy, press on to the goal, trust Him who leads you, He will keep your soul."

That is solid advice for all of us! It is when we let our surroundings (weather, confusion, disappointments, etc.) determine our joy that we discover that our trust in God has weakened significantly. I am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet, but I am a believer and the son of believers! Behind every cloud is a "silver lining" that shines in the heavenly land! Today's agonies will be overwhelmed by tomorrow's blessings! This moment's disappointments will be overshadowed by the next moment's realities! So, why not "sing and be happy?"

It really doesn't take too long for you to turn a gloomy gray sky day into a bright day of sunshine by just singing a happy tune! Whistle while you work and notice how much easier the work seems to be. Hum a happy melody and notice that the people around you are really your friends, not your competitors.

There is one line in the above mentioned song that is bad advice. It says, "When the dark clouds vanish away then your heart truly can sing." Do we have to wait until the sun shines again before singing? I think not! It is the singing that drives the clouds away and brings back the sun! There is no reason we cannot enjoy life while the raindrops are falling on our heads. If one has to wait until the storm passes by to be happy, he may miss the blessing of trusting in God! My happiest moments are trusting God when there seems to be no reason to trust Him!

"Don't happy!" There you go! Simple, but profound!

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