Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Do You Have A Gold Medal? I Don't!

The Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia will be over in a few days and most of us have enjoyed watching superior athletes compete for the precious gold medal that is given to the winner. Of the few dozen who will "win the gold," there are hundreds more that tried, but never quite skated fast enough, allowed the puck to get to the net, or missed that difficult move on the ice. I feel for those who tried to "win the gold," but never quite made it!

It is a little like life! All of us want to succeed at whatever we try, if we didn't we would never try, right? Whether we are trying to climb the ladder of professionalism or write that one song that will make our name memorialized forever or be the kind of parent that will allow our children to "rise up and call us blessed!" We all want to "win the gold!"

But what about those of us who fall a hundredth of a second short? What of those that never make it out of the mailroom in the office complex? What of the author whose work is good, but not "that" good? What if I must settle for silver or even bronze or no medal at all? Am I a loser because I did not "win the gold?"

As I sit and ponder what happened in life's Olympics, I must consider how much effort I made! Did I give it my all? Could I have work harder? Could I have spent more time honing my skills? Was I expecting way too much out of myself? These and other questions will make me wonder until the next time I choose to compete!

Remember one thing. You may never wear the gold medal around your neck, but that does not mean you are not a winner! Victory is nice, but trying to win creates the spirit of determination!

"Not everyone wins a gold medal...but everyone can try!"


Mickael Moore said...

I know nothing of gold or of gold medals. But I do want to wear a crown some day. I use to run a lot, at that time I know nothing about Paul or a crown. Running for a crown is something like running an actual race. A 10K run will have twist, turns, and hills in it. The run for the crown has even bigger hills, as in a foot race I dare not stop or I will not finish the race. This is one race I MUST finish. Keep running Brother

God Bless
Mickael Moore in Kansas

57chevy said...

In most competition an individual or team compete for the trophy. In my life you really wanted to destroy your competition. In the christian race we are not in competition with other christians for the crown our enemy is satan and or our self. We also have fans rooting for us, both the ones that have gone on before us and the ones we are with. Therefore we should be a good competitor and root on or lead our fellow christians toward the finish line. When I ran cross country that was what I did with my fellow runners after I was finished with the race. We all want to win and we should also want our brothers and sisters to win also, as well as others that have not obeyed God. Please pray for those you can help in their race for the CROWN.