Saturday, June 28, 2008

Why Do People Play Games?

I wonder how many people think of golf as being "cowpasture pool?" Probably, a lot! I have been playing golf for almost fifty years and have loved every round I have ever played! Well, almost each of them! Is there any common sense reason for hitting a little white dimpled ball toward a flag and then walking a couple hundred yards and hitting it again? Probably not! At least, not anymore than kicking a ball through two stationary poles with a cross bar! Or, hitting a ball with a piece of wood and then running in a circle while others chase you! Or, rolling a big plastic ball at ten sticks to see how many you can knocked down! Get the idea? People don't play games because they make any "common sense!"

People play games for relief from the everyday grind of life! When one has gone to work every morning for 35 years and pushed the same button for eight hours and then returned home at the same time each can get a bit stressful, right? So, relief comes in the form of something "totally different!" A game! Any kind of a game!

What makes "a game a game?" Victories and losses? Rules and regulations? Competition? Imagination? Yes! All of the above goes into making "a game a game!" Isn't that a lot like life? As one said, "We win some, lose some, and have a few rained out!" That's life! We have to play by the rules and use our imaginations to survive! That makes life a game!

So, the next time you drive by a golf course and see some poor old guy about ready to hit that little white ball...resist the urge to honk your horn! That guy might be me and all I am doing is relieving a bit of stress!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Change In Our Lifestyle? It's coming!

Change! The first word that comes to mind when someone suggests change is, "Ouch!" That's right! Most of us resist change in any form! I have used Colgate toothpaste for most of my adult life and don't want to use any other brand. Why? Because I just don't! I am a Ford person! I have not purchased anything but a Ford product for the past 25 years or more. Is it because it is the best car on the road? Probably not! I just react slowly to change...very slowly!

That's why the coming changes in our lifestyle bother me and give me great reason to wonder how I will react! With fuel costs soaring at a record pace and $4.00 a gallon gasoline almost a thing of the past already, it means that I am going to have to change my driving habits! Slow down a little! Make fewer unnecessary trips to town! Rely on email or telephone communication to keep in touch with my family and friends! Get used to higher prices on every product due to the cost of delivery costs! Yes, change is coming!

Now, I know that I can adjust to these inevitable changes because I have done it in the past! Forty-three years ago today, I gave my heart and soul to a young lady that has been my bride ever since! I gave up a dream of being a high school English teacher that I had planned for in my youth. After five years of peace and quiet, Linda and I adopted two young boys with whom we have shared our lives! What a change! You see, I know I can adjust, the problem is that I don't want to change those things that are such a part of me!

This helps me understand the changes that people have made which are far greater and more difficult than the above. To be a better person some have given up friends, jobs, even neighborhoods! Others have replaced actions that have been a part of their lives for years with new and more blessed character traits! If my friends can adjust their lives so dramatically then I know I can do it, also!

Change is coming! Some "big" changes! So, get ready! It will not be "change for change" sake, it will be "change for necessity!"

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

You Can Be Too Big!

Have you ever wondered how some little things seem to bring some big things to a complete standstill? Often we make big plans to accomplish big things, but some little unforeseen problem brings our plans to a grinding halt!

Just this morning a friend of mine was ready to "head West" to New Mexico. He had talked about this trip for the past few days. He had his route laid out and the directions printed and "ready to roll!" After a couple of hours of picking up around his motor home and making sure that everything was secure, it was time to "hit the road again!" All was in readiness! Well, almost!

You see he had camped in the same spot for nearly two weeks and during that time his 42 foot motor home had sunk into the ground a bit...not a lot, just a bit! However, last night we had a pretty good rain here in the Williamsburg area and the grass was pretty damp. No problem! This big old diesel engine will begin to whine and off we go to that cement pathway!

The engine began to roar, the transmission was engaged, the side mirrors adjusted and...well, Mother Nature won again! All of those thousands of pounds were motionless! Oh, the wheels were turning, but nothing was moving forward...nor backward! That beautiful vehicle just sat there and spun its wheels!

From there it was trying to dig it out...lay something in front of the tires for traction...pushing it was out of the question! Nothing...nothing worked! After a wasted two hours trying to use the combined engineering skills (?) of three, the phone call was made for the big iron horse to come to the rescue! Within five minutes the rig was set and the motor home was set free!

A little water kept a huge vehicle from going anywhere! Just like life, huh?

Some of the biggest and most important plans of our lives are brought to a stand still by unexpected little things! Try as we will, nothing can help! We are powerless!

My friend, when you are powerless don't ever forget that God is powerful! He is all-powerful! The Bible says that He can do more than you and I can even think! That's power!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Old Television at the DAV Thrift Store...

I just returned from the DAV Thrift Store just down the street as I had some items to drop off. While unloading the stuff from my car I noticed an old (I mean "really" old) television setting in the parking lot. People had gathered around it admiring this piece of antiquity! They searched through some bins to find the "rabbit ears" that surely must go with it! I was amused at first, but then I wondered about the eyes that had viewed this unique piece of furniture.

I wondered when some technician assembled this video antique, probably in the early 1950s, did he ever think that his piece of equipment would end up in a parking lot in Williamsburg, VA? Probably not! The technician is probably long gone and any dreams or goals that he had are now history. He may have taken a great deal of pride in being among the very first people who worked on televisions, but his efforts ended up in a parking lot!

My thoughts went to the number of children that must have laughed with Howdy Doody and Buffalo Bob Smith and Phinias T. Bluster, the mayor of Doodyville! How many little boys had watched the Lone Ranger (and his faithful companion, Tonto) capture the bad guys and save the community once again? Did those folk thrill seeing "Father Knows Best" or "Ozzie and Harriet" as much as I did? Most of us boys had a little crush on Cathy and we never could figure out what Ozzie Nelson did for a living! Oh, what memories!

But, there it sat in the hot sunshine awaiting its fate! No more would it bring laughter and tears to a family gathered around it in the evening. No more sounds of Dennis James callling out the exploits of professional wrestler, Don Eagle. It was doomed to be put in the big old truck and hauled off to be priced and sold...maybe!

Such is life! We are so real, viable and alive, but there comes a time when we are passed over by the newer and more highly technical gadgets of another generation. Our joys, motives, and dreams were all so very real, but now are forgotten and many of our dreams left unfulfilled!

Unlike that old television, we have a wonderful destiny ahead of us if we believe in a heavenly Father! The one that gave his one and only Son for us! If we give ourselves to Him through faith and obedience, we will find our future is much brighter than our present and more glorious than our past!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

"Lock your keys in your car?"

Have you ever felt the sense of helplessness by locking your keys in your car? The moment you hear the door shut there is a clear signal that the keys did not exit the car with you! What if you locked the keys in your car, left the motor running and the CD player blasting today's newest songs? Now, consider how you would feel if this were your mother's car and she was coming out of the store to go home and her keys were the ones you were using! Got the picture?

This morning as I left my Saturday morning hang-out... Cracker Barrel...a young man was standing between my car and a blue Chevrolet. His countenance was suggestive of someone who had just lost his best friend. He was trying to run a stick down between the rubber and glass in one of the car's rear doors. As I approached him, he asked, "Mr., would you happen to have a coat hanger in your car?" Now, in a moment of stupidity, I asked, "Lock your keys in your car?" My first thought was of the answer given by one of the "Blue Collar" comedians, "Nope, just washed it and I want to hang it up to dry! Here's your sign...!" Then, I checked through the stuff in the backseat and under my golf clubs in the trunk, but no coat-hanger! I told the young man that I would go to my office and get one and bring it back to him. "It will only take ten minutes and I will be right back," I added.

Ten minutes later, I pulled back in the parking lot and there was the blue Chevy, but another person had been added to the scene. Yep, his mother! Her expression was one of disbelief that a son of hers could be so foolish as to lock her keys in her car! The words were scarce between them as the young man was sitting on the front bumper and his mother was leaning on the trunk lid. I gave them the hanger, wished them well, and made a quick exit!

I wonder what the conversation was like on the way home? Did the son remind his mother that it was Mother's Day weekend and he hoped she had a wonderful day tomorrow? Did he load her favorite CD? Was their a mutual laugh at the son's expense? Will either of them share this story with the husband/father, so he can remind them of their stupidity for years to come?

Oh, well, I will never know! One thing I do know is that I feel a bit better for having taken a few minutes of my time to try to help out a friend! A friend? Yes! You see, I think a stranger is just a friend that I have not met! It was only a few minutes of time, fifty cents worth of gas, and a little inconvenience, but I have the rest of the day to enjoy the blessings of helping someone who was stuck in Cracker Barrel's parking lot!

It is a goooooood feeling!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Where is "Presidents Park?"

One of the more recent additions to the historical flavor of our area is "Presidents Park." I must admit that I have never visited this site, but have driven by it dozens of times and have admired it from a distance. Within the park are busts of all our presidents from the first to the current, Mr. Bush. They are made out of concrete and stand 25-30 feet tall. I am told the likenesses are very close and that the sulptor did a marvelous job!

The reason I mention this today is that I overheard a person trying to explain to one of our tourists how to find "Presidents Park." It was the usual turn right, go three lights, turn left, go straight for about two miles...," but then the local guide said, "Or, you could turn left, go four miles and then turn right, on and on." The guide's final comment was, "Either way you are going to end up in the same place!"

I wondered to myself how many times that is the approach to one's relationship to much more important matters in life! What if one were to say, "You date this person and then that one and a couple more...on and on! It really does not matter because you are going to end up married to someone!" Or, what if we were told, "Try out this car and then that one because they are all about the same and will not last too long anyway!" No doubt we would balk at such suggestions regarding a lifetime relationship or six years of car payments, but why are other matters of much more importance taken so casually?

What of one's relationship with God? Are we to assume that finding God is like the "hunt and peck" style of using a computer keyboard? You know, you will get the email written anyway, so what makes a difference how you type it! My good friend, seeking God is much, much more important than sending an email to a friend!

The Bible says that there is only one way to reach the Father and that is through Jesus Christ! It is said that Jesus is "the way, the truth, and the life!" There is no other way to God, except through His Son, Jesus Christ! No other way...none! Searching for God is not a matter of guesswork or unplanned is a conscious search for divine leadership!

You may be able to get to "Presidents Park" a dozen different ways, but there is only one way to God!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

"Super Cold Vanilla Ice Cream Cone!"

After church this morning, Linda and I ate lunch at the Golden Corral on ByPass Road as we do quite often. It is not that quiet little romantic spot for two, but it is pretty much a "family affair" for us because we have been going there ever since it opened in 1997, therefore, we know nearly everyone on a first name basis. Anyway, today was a bit different! One of the servers knew that Linda's birthday was yesterday, so she had some of her coworkers sing "Happy Birthday" (Golden Corral rendition) to her. She was so embarrassed, but I loved it!

But, later, a beautiful blue-eyed little girl in a long blue dress caught our attention. She was sitting two tables away from us, but she was just a little doll! As I went by, I spoke to her mother and another lady with her and the little one's face lit up as she smiled! On my way back to my table, the child was eating an ice cream cone. That's when she yelled with great excitement, "Super cold!" That's all, "Super cold!" Everyone laughed at the joy such a little thing could bring into a child's life!

I began to wonder how nice it would be if we all could get so excited over something as simple as a vanilla ice cream cone! Sounds to simple, doesn't it? With so many other more important things in the world, an ice cream cone is just not worth our thoughts.

Wait a minute!

Maybe it is all those other things that are really less important! Those things that we can do nothing to alter even if we wanted to do so. I am so disappointed in the quagmire in Iraq that I wish I could get all those brave warriors home today, but I don't know how to do that and I am not sure anyone else knows how! I cannot change their situation. There are those who are hospitalized with painful terminal diseases that I wish I could heal, but I cannot! Families are mourning the loss of a father and grandfather, but I cannot remove the empitness they feel! The list is endless of things that I cannot do, but one thing I can do is have a "super cold vanilla ice cream cone!" I can enjoy this little bit of life's delight!

Can you take the time today or tomorrow to pause and enjoy the blessings of the present without spoiling that precious moment with thoughts of a regrettable past or a hopeless future? Can you? No, will you?

Hey, Dairy Queen's open right now! Anyone for a "super cold vanilla ice cream cone?"

Friday, April 25, 2008

"Take Me Home Country Roads!"

John Denver, the horn-rimmed glasses wearing folk singer from Colorado, made his name composing and singing songs about "home." Such songs as "Rocky Mountain High" and "Take Me Home Country Roads" were among his signature renderings. Of course, being a West Virginia (I still bleed blue and gold during football season!), I am a bit partial to the latter song. "Country Roads" is not the state song of the Mountain state ("Oh, Those West Virginia Hills" is the official song), but it has become the most accepted song for the folk up home.

There are not many days as I am out and about here in Williamsburg that someone doesn't ask, "Where you from?" It is a pretty safe question around here because it seems that most of our townspeople are from "some place else!" When I tell them of my roots, I usually get the ancient comments: "Well, you must be one of thos hillbillies that doesn't walk with a limp from standing on the side of a mountain!" Or, the ever popular, "How old were you before you had your first pair of shoes?" I always grin and tell folk that I never lived on the side of a mountain and I got my first pair of shoes when I learned to walk!

"Home" is a pretty neat word, isn't it? We say things like, "Home is where the heart is!" Or, "Home Sweet Home!" And, "There's no place quite like home!" All of those are profound truths IF those are the memories one has of home. However, not everyone can look back on a childhood of pleasant times! "Home" to some conjures up thoughts about abuse, poverty, absentee parents, neglect, and abandonment! That's hard, folk, real hard!

It makes it pretty difficult to convince someone that they want to go to "home and be with God" someday when "home" is not their source of happiness and joy! It's like trying to describe the love of God as the love of a father! What if one's experience of "fatherhood" has been very, very unpleasant? When "home" is a place you could not wait to leave and "father" was the reason you needed to run, our efforts at sharing the eternal joy with God become more difficult!

Try to understand the reluctance of some to jump for joy about something that is so joyous to many! It will do you and them a lot of good if you will try to understand!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tuesday Is "Senior Citizens' Day!"

Twice today I was reminded that this is "senior citizens' day" at some of the local stores. First, I saw Doug and Catherine going to Farm Fresh to "check out the specials" and, then I went to one of my favorite shopping places...the DAV Thrift Store! Yes, that's right, I like to shop at thrift stores! So, does my wife! I am amazed at the things people donate to various charitable organizations as many of them are in near perfect condition. Sometimes they still have the tags on them from where they were purchased. Today, the lady cashier, said, "Now theirs a gentleman that knows when to get things on sale!" I had no idea what she was talking about because how can you have a sale at a thrift store. It was "senior citizens' day," again!

As I checked out, I wondered what brought these people to a thrift store! The folk right in front of me spoke very little English, but were fluent in Spanish. Two young girls from the Far East were trying on shoes. Others were shopping for clothes, appliances, shoes, and toys. Obviously, I have no idea why all the others were finding their bargains at the DAV, but I know they were not too proud to shop where they could save a few dollars.

Pride is the sin of the age in my estimation. Pride is the epitome of self-centeredness. Pride's clarion call is, "It's all about me!"

If there is one human characteristic that is completely removed from the traits of Jesus, it would be pride! Never a more humble being ever walked this earth. He had no place to lay his head down...nothing! But, even though he had nothing, he had everything! It all belonged to him! Jesus was a "giver," not a "taker!" He knew the folly of pride and we should discover it, also!

The wise Solomon said that "Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall!" Let each of us examine ourselves to see how close pride has taken us to destruction!

The thrift store is just down the street on Merrimac Trail...drop in sometime! (Tuesday is "senior citizens' day!" Pass the word along!)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Is Your "Love Tank" Full?

Williamsburg is one of those rapidly growing communities here in Virginia! It is not the "small town village" that it was years ago when the Rockefellers decided that history should be rebuilt. In the twelve years that I have lived here the population has increased, stores have sprung up all over town, "New Town" was designed and built, "Main Street" is under construction, and scores of people have decided to call Williamsburg, "Home !"

Now I take no credit for this explosion (nor blame depending upon which segment of our town is being queried), but I must say that it has been a joy to watch it happen! I have never lived in a town where it was so easy to become acquainted with so many people with diverse backgrounds.

But, I wonder how many of our friends and neighbors may be running on "empty!" Dr. Gary Chapman wrote a book entitled, "Five Love Languages," and it he labels each of these "languages." Chapman is not considering the "romance languages" (Italian, French, etc.), but rather the languages that speak love to others. His list is interesting!

1. Words of affirmation -- If your spouse, child, or parent needs to be told they are loved and appreciated, you should provide that language for them. Compliment them. Affirm them.

2. Quality time -- That "special" person may enjoy spending time with you, but the time should be valuable. Going out to eat for an hour is one thing, but spending that hour in meaningful dialogue is totally different.

3. Receiving gifts -- I know it is more blessed to give than it is to receive, but in your mates love language a gift ungiven may represent a lack of love.

4. Acts of service -- If this is your love language and your mate does one of your chores for no apparent reason, then you feel very loved and appreciated.

5. Physical touch -- There is no replacement for the physical touch of the person who loves you! There is a reassurance in that touch that speaks loudly those wonderful words, "I love you!"

Check your "love tank" and, remember, if you are running on empty it will not be long before your love comes to a complete stop! You do not want that to happen!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Send The "Junk" Back To The Sender...

I wonder how many millions of dollars are spent on "junk" mail? Let's face it, our mail carriers could complete their rounds much quicker if it was not for handling on that useless mail, right? And what of all the "stuff" that is placed inside envelops with your monthly statements? You know, the kind of offerings that you just cannot resist! Why is it not possible for monthly statements to arrive with only one piece of paper inside the envelop with the amount you owe?

It reminds me of all the "junk" that we allow to accumulate in our lives! There are so many, many things that are "add ons" and entirely useless and uncessary. We are forever going here and there to do this and that without reaping any rewards for our efforts. Do we really need to run the way we do? Oh, I know someone will say, "I cannot decide what my priorities are and I am afraid that I might miss something important if I stay at home!" Really?

While we are passing in the doorway, our homes are begging for attention! No, I do not mean the houses in which you live, but your home! I see signs occasionally from a realtor that read, "Home for sale!" Edgar Guest said it best, "It takes a heap of living to make a house a home!" My friend, be sure it is just your house that you are selling and not your home!

I know of some folk who have sold their homes for another case of alcohol or another romantic escapade with the person across the street! There are those who will sell their children's happiness for the cost of a few pills or a chance at winning the lottery! Are all these things really valuable? Are they not just like the "junk" mail you throw away?

It is time that we do something about the "junk" in our lives, right? Get rid of it now and forever more! Straighten out our priorities!

Do like some of us do with our "junk" mail...put it back in that "no postage necessary" envelop and send it back to the sender and let him pay to get his own "junk" mail back! That's right...send the "junk" in your life back to the sender

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

On The Right Side Of The Grass!

Williamsburg has an incredible number of quality restaurants which bring many of our tourists great delight! Whether it is traditional food, oriental cuisine, or "south of the border" comida. We have it all! We, also, have all the popular "chain" restaurants and my favorite is Cracker Barrel! I just returned from having lunch at CB and that visit prompted todays' blog.

All of the servers at CB know me and pretty much know what I am going to order when I arrive, especially for lunch. There are a couple of them that don't even ask, they just bring me my iced tea and say they have placed my order! I guess I go there way too much!

But, today was different! They have a new host!

I was greeted by a gentleman a few years my senior and he was very pleasant! The experienced hostess told him where I like to sit and handed him a menu. As we arrived at my table near the window, I introduced myself as did he. His comment was, "I am new here. I just started yesterday and I guess you must be a regular!" I put my arm around him and said, "Welcome to CB! You will enjoy working with the young folk here as they are a nice bunch of 'kids'!" He laughed and told me that yesterday went great and you could see on his face the delight he had in making that announcement to me. We laughed and he went on to seat others.

While eating lunch I thought about how many "seniors" are now going back to work! Oh, I know that we are living longer and have better health care than did our parents, but I wondered why this gentleman had gone back to work. Was it an economical decision? Was it because he was bored sitting at home after retiring? Was he lonely due to the death of his spouse? Did he need some money to support a pasttime? I am guessing, but I think one of the above might have been the reason.

I am seeing more and more "seniors" working at Wal-mart, driving a train at Busch Gardens, volunteering in Colonial Williamsburg and Sentara Hospital, and a number of other places. I think it is great! There is no reason that a person should be put out to pasture because he or she has reached a chronological age that has been determined to be "retirment age!" If a person can and wants to retire, fine, but not everyone desires to quit!

Seniors have accomplished much in their later years! Some have created masterpieces of art and music during their latter years! Others have made incredible discoveries in science and medicine when they were old enough to retire! Still others have vigorously been able to serve God and others with the wisdom gained from a lifetime of ministry!

I had an older man tell me this morning, "As long as I am on the right side of the grass, I am going to keep on working!" The he added, "I don't want any lawnmower giving me a shave every morning!"

Now, get back to work and enjoy every minute of it!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Missed Another Funeral Today!

Tommy Palmer's funeral was held this morning and I missed it! Why does that bother me? Tommy was a first cousin of mine and he, my brother, and I have had some real times together over the years. Tommy lived in the little no stoplight town of Trimble, Ohio (that's fifty miles or so from Columbus, I think), but it was always a thrill to go see my Dad's sister, Aunt Ethel and all of her family.

Tommy was just one of those "good old boys!" Every bone in his body was made out of love for family and friends. Tommy was a Christian and in the past few years was the strength of the little church down by the bridge. The days we spent playing down by the creek, in the barn and lots of other places around that little town will long be a part of my childhood memories.

Why should I mention missing Tommy's funeral?

Because it reminds me that a lot of us who live in this area are separated from family and friends! Many of you are here serving in the military or supporting the military in some fashion. Some of you have chosen Williamsburg to be your home for your retirement years. Still others have relocated here due to their careers. Someone said, "There are not too many native Williamsburgers left!" There are a few, but not many!

I wonder how many of us know the importance of developing new and lasting friendships in our community of choice? My wife and I have no family closer than 360 miles from here which means that we don't see our family very often. Our grandchildren are more than 700 miles from here in middle Tennessee, so we only see them a couple of times a year. So, what does one do when he is separated from childhood friends and family?

That's right, you make new friends and develop another family!

Friends are made by being friendly. That's pretty easy! Being friendly is like a magnet that draws people to you. I did not say you "act" friendly, but you "become" friendly! There is a difference...a big difference!

As for family, Linda and I are blessed to be a part of a loving, caring and joyful church family! They are our brothers and sisters! We have a common Father, therefore, we are family. "Sometimes we laugh together, sometimes we cry. Sometimes we share together heartaches and sighs. Sometimes we dream together how it will be. When we all get to heaven...God's family!"

Will you be my "new" friend? Can we be a part of the same family? I hope so!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Life Is A Lot Like "Yellow Taped Barricades!"

Have you ever wondered who it is that sets up those yellow taped blockades around a worksite? Have you ever wondered where they went to school to learn how to do that job? Well, I wondered about it this morning!

I had to make a quick run to my local Suntrust Bank which I do about twice a month only to discover that work was being done on an adjoining parking lot. Now, I ALWAYS enter the bank from the same direction because I use the "drive-up" window, but not this morning! Yellow tape! Yellow tape everywhere! I made a u-turn and went back to the main road and entered the area from another entrance only to find more yellow tape. So, down behind the Enterprise car rental office I went so I could drive around the front of the bank and make another u-turn into the "drive-up" window. You're right, more yellow tape! Now, remember, they are working on an "adjoining" parking lot, not Suntrust's! By this time I was ready to use my GPS in order to discover a viable route into the bank, but then I remembered I had returned it. Now, the sad part is that I actually had to park my car, unbuckle the seatbelt, get out of my car, walk the fifteen feet to the bank and go inside to do my two minutes worth of banking!

Oh, I'm not done yet! I thought it was my responsibility to solve this dilemma for all of the other Suntrust customers that would be coming and going throughout the day. What do I do? I drove up to one of the guys working in the adjoining parking lot and ask, "Don't you think it would be possible to move those yellow taped barricades just a bit so the Suntrust customers could get into the "drive up" window?" His response? "Sure, we should never have put them there in the first place! Sorry about that! No one else had called it to our attention. I will go right now and move them." I graciously thanked him and drove back to my office feeling like I had just brought resolution to a universal crisis! I felt real good!

You know what? Life is a lot like "yellow taped barricades!" You try one thing and you are barred from success, so you back up and try something else. If there is more yellow tape on that path, you make a u-turn and try again. Even when you get a bit frustrated, you keep on trying!

Sometimes "yellow taped barricades" are nothing more than an obstacle that can be moved or removed with a little patience, kindness, and thought! Not everyone in the world is trying to block your entrance to success. Sometimes it is just someone's thoughtlessness that makes you feel like the world is working against you! Try a little kindness as it works wonders!

I have to go now because it is almost lunchtime and there may be more "yellow taped barricades" for me to conquer!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rejecting A Friend

What would you think of a person who would not open the door to a friend who was standing on his porch ringing his doorbell? Not much, huh? There could be few less hospitable things we could do, right? What if that friend had good news to share with you and wanted more than anything to let you know about that good news?

That's exactly what Jesus is doing at the heart of us all! His words, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock..." Jesus has some very good news to share with each of us and he patiently awaits an open door through which he can step. Again, His words, "If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." Imagine that! Jesus entering our lives and sharing His life with us!

One thing is noteworthy in Jesus' statement. The door can only be opened from the inside! I have to open the door of my heart to Him as do you. Jesus is not going to force the door open...He is not doing to knock it down...He is going to patiently wait for each of us to open the door and allow Him to enter.

Could this be THE greatest sin of all? Is there anything that we could do or fail to do that would rival rejecting Jesus? I think not! There are some pretty big sins, but none larger than this one.

When we treat Jesus with indifference (ignoring his knocking at the door) or rebellion (deliberately rejecting his request for entrance), there could be no greater insult to the Savior of us all!

May each of us ALWAYS answer when Jesus, our Friend, comes knocking on the door of our hearts!

Friday, April 11, 2008

The "Titantic"

Ninety-six years ago this coming Tuesday (April 15, 1912) the "ship that even God could not sink" sank in the cold water of the north Atlantic ocean. More than 1,500 lives were lost that night by an obstructing and insignificant iceberg. Even though the Titantic was 882 feet long, 175 feet tall, and weighed in at 25,000 tons, it was destroyed and people's lives were lost! It was not indestructible!

The world stood in awe as some of the wealthiest people purchased tickets for the Titantic's maiden voyage. Yet, their perceived invincibility failed to keep them warm in that nearly frozen water. What a profiled of destruction!

Many lessons can be learned from this horrible and unfortunate accident! Among the greater lessons that can be learned is the discovery of how people leave the Lord Jesus Christ!

What doomed the Titantic? One thing was pride! "Even God could not sink" this ship is a cry that was heard, but a lesson never learned. A ship that was indestructible was broken part and within a short time slipped into the icy water. This was a shocking revelation to the engineers and contractors of this great vessel. They were forced to face their own mortality as they learned of the sinking of the Titantic.

The same pride that was evident in the making of this invincible ship is duplicated in the lives of those who decide they no longer need a close personal relationship with Jesus. Their ability to survive is beyond the realm of question and falling is not even a consideration. Many Christians see themselves as "having it all together," therefore, eliminating the possibility of apostasy. Satan is waiting for such weaknesses to appear!

Need we be reminded of the words of Solomon, "Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18) Or, what of the apostle Paul words, "...who thinks he stands, take heed lest he fall." (1 Corinthians 10:12).

Pride might well be the "sin that so easily ensnares" people today!

Welcome To Wondering In Williamsburg...

This is my first attempt at "blogging!" I am carefully moving into the 21st century and being only eight years late is pretty good for me. I am looking forward to sharing with you many of my personal thoughts about a number of subjects. It is my hope to vary the content of the blog to make it of interest to as many as possible!

Obviously, my first love is God, therefore, many of my thoughts will be about the spiritual aspect of life, but I do have many other interests.

So, today a new adventure that will lead me somewhere...although I know not where!

May God richly bless every effort put forth in "Wondering In Williamsburg!"