Friday, April 11, 2008

The "Titantic"

Ninety-six years ago this coming Tuesday (April 15, 1912) the "ship that even God could not sink" sank in the cold water of the north Atlantic ocean. More than 1,500 lives were lost that night by an obstructing and insignificant iceberg. Even though the Titantic was 882 feet long, 175 feet tall, and weighed in at 25,000 tons, it was destroyed and people's lives were lost! It was not indestructible!

The world stood in awe as some of the wealthiest people purchased tickets for the Titantic's maiden voyage. Yet, their perceived invincibility failed to keep them warm in that nearly frozen water. What a profiled of destruction!

Many lessons can be learned from this horrible and unfortunate accident! Among the greater lessons that can be learned is the discovery of how people leave the Lord Jesus Christ!

What doomed the Titantic? One thing was pride! "Even God could not sink" this ship is a cry that was heard, but a lesson never learned. A ship that was indestructible was broken part and within a short time slipped into the icy water. This was a shocking revelation to the engineers and contractors of this great vessel. They were forced to face their own mortality as they learned of the sinking of the Titantic.

The same pride that was evident in the making of this invincible ship is duplicated in the lives of those who decide they no longer need a close personal relationship with Jesus. Their ability to survive is beyond the realm of question and falling is not even a consideration. Many Christians see themselves as "having it all together," therefore, eliminating the possibility of apostasy. Satan is waiting for such weaknesses to appear!

Need we be reminded of the words of Solomon, "Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18) Or, what of the apostle Paul words, "...who thinks he stands, take heed lest he fall." (1 Corinthians 10:12).

Pride might well be the "sin that so easily ensnares" people today!

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