Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rejecting A Friend

What would you think of a person who would not open the door to a friend who was standing on his porch ringing his doorbell? Not much, huh? There could be few less hospitable things we could do, right? What if that friend had good news to share with you and wanted more than anything to let you know about that good news?

That's exactly what Jesus is doing at the heart of us all! His words, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock..." Jesus has some very good news to share with each of us and he patiently awaits an open door through which he can step. Again, His words, "If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." Imagine that! Jesus entering our lives and sharing His life with us!

One thing is noteworthy in Jesus' statement. The door can only be opened from the inside! I have to open the door of my heart to Him as do you. Jesus is not going to force the door open...He is not doing to knock it down...He is going to patiently wait for each of us to open the door and allow Him to enter.

Could this be THE greatest sin of all? Is there anything that we could do or fail to do that would rival rejecting Jesus? I think not! There are some pretty big sins, but none larger than this one.

When we treat Jesus with indifference (ignoring his knocking at the door) or rebellion (deliberately rejecting his request for entrance), there could be no greater insult to the Savior of us all!

May each of us ALWAYS answer when Jesus, our Friend, comes knocking on the door of our hearts!

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