Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Helping Empower Loving People!

On several occasions I have tried to discipline myself to maintain "Wondering In Williamsburg" on a regular basis and each time I have failed!  So, with greater determination, I am going to make another effort at being more consistent. 
"Wondering In Williamsburg" began with the distinct purpose of encouraging others in their personal journey in life.  I knew that each of us has a different path to follow and that some had a more difficult time than others.  I also knew that we each needed encouragement to succeed!
Furthermore, I wanted to empower folk, not just encourage them!  Many of us are enablers, but few have the ability to empower!  Loving people need empowered whether they are parents, spouses, aged, young, rich, poor, healthy or sick...all loving people need empowerment!
For nearly fifty years I have spent time trying to empowering loving people to be all that God wants them to be and all that they want to be.  My desire was not to make the wealthy wealthier nor the popular more popular, but just to empower normal people to reach their potential.  We certainly need more doctors, lawyers, ministers, teachers and other professionals, but this world is crying out for "average people" to reach their greatest height!  Without some empowerment it will never happen for some folk!  Thus, "Wondering In Williamsburg" has been resurrected!
It is my aim to touch the lives of those who need help in surviving the plagues of life!  Disease, sorrow, abandonment, and confusion devour the determination of many people, but with a kind word of encouragement and some empowering guidelines, they can survive! 
I hope that the goals I have set for myself and for this blog can be reached and that God can use it to help empower loving people!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved you saying empowering average people to be what was meant for them to be…That is about what most of us are "average"…I think we average people underestimate ourselves, what we can do with God in us if we allow Him to use us for His Glory..Thank you for your words of wisdom and for getting my old stale mind to thinking..
Judy McCray Curkendall