Monday, January 12, 2009

The Baton Will Soon Be Passed!

I wonder what's going through the mind of President-elect Barrack Obama about now! In a week and a day, he will walk into the oval office as the President of the United States of America for the first time. Wow! With a simple, "I do," he becomes the most powerful man in the world! On his shoulders will fall the fortunes of 350 million citizens, plus the futures of billions more. He will control the most powerful military ever known to humankind! He will preside over a budget of thousands of billions of dollars! Mind-boggling, isn't it? How do you suppose he feels about now? Excited? Humbled? Scared? Nervous? Probably all four and many more!

It was interesting this morning to listen to the farewell press conference of George W. Bush as he prepares to return to his ranch in Crawford, Texas. The questions were unlike those asked in previous news conferences because this would be his last as the sitting president. Questions like: Do you have any regrets? What was your biggest mistake? How did you feel the first time you walked into the oval office? Would you do anything differently? Very few of the questions were about current situations in the world because there was not that much time now to deal with them. The wars and the weak economy will be passed on to the 44th president next Tuesday, January 20. He will then pass the ruling baton to another generation of politicians!

My prayer is for this country and the possible new direction that it will take! I am not a prophet and have no crystal ball, but I pray that God's will can have free reign in people's lives. That God's truths will be held in utmost esteem! That the problems plaguing the nation at this point will be resolved and peace can break out throughout the world! That Mr. Obama will be safe and provide some much needed leadership for us all!

I don't wish our new president luck....I promise him prayer! Will you join me?

1 comment:

Mark Smith said...

As this country turns the page on President Obama's cabinet. We as Christians should stay prayerful that change want happen overnight. We must realize that it will take time for President Obama's to implement his new cabinet. I so excited and hope this country will get the helps it need especially the ecomony. It breaks my heart that so many people have lost their jobs. Our President feel their pain as well. Keep up the good work. Mark Smith Jefferson Street Church of Christ, Petersburg, VA