Tuesday, January 6, 2009

On With Living and Loving...

Leo Buscaglia, known as "Dr. Love," once noted, "Don't brood! Get on with living and loving. You don't have forever!" Buscaglia was one of my favorite modern day philosophers years ago. He was not a scholarly theologian, but more of a practical philosopher. When I was in my twenties, I ran across one of his paperbacks on "love" and I read that over and over again until I had nearly digested it all! I finally passed it on to someone else and I hope they gained as much common sense out of it as I did.

When I read the above quote the other day on the website, "Brainy Quote," it spoke to my heart (my heart needed someone to speak to it!). It is so frustrating to brood over matters that are really unimportant in the big picture of life. I wonder how much precious time is wasted by trying to work out that which is unable to be worked out? A lot, I am sure.

You and I need to get on with living because as Dr. Love suggests, "...You don't live forever!" At some point life will cease as we know it and there will be no more time to "get on with living!" Two things are terrible things to waste: one's mind and one's life!

Now, what was it I was brooding over? Oh, well...it does not matter because I have to get on with living and loving!

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